Voicci mon VIN 4068:

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Messagepar Alex » Dim 14 Jan 2007 à 20:30

elle est pas trés chere cette D :D

Welcome and thank you !

Messagepar bozzzydmc » Dim 14 Jan 2007 à 20:36


I dont believe this is the same car, as i know a little of the background on it , Maybe the one you are thinking about is to do with Dan Shane ?

Messagepar iudexmaximus » Dim 14 Jan 2007 à 20:48

bozzzydmc a écrit:Thanks.

I dont believe this is the same car, as i know a little of the background on it , Maybe the one you are thinking about is to do with Dan Shane ?

I had already seen this car here


Paolo - VIN 000878

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Messages: 1099
Inscription: Mer 22 Fév 2006 à 13:19
Localisation: Italie

Messagepar bozzzydmc » Lun 15 Jan 2007 à 20:34


This car was being sold by a DOC club member called Michael Oliver who lives in Sheffield UK. This car has now been sold last Saturday to one of our other club members who lives in Manchester UK.

The car was origionally bought over from the US to the UK via ebay in September 2006, by the seller Michael Oliver.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... 0011660712

He (Royston1) tried selling on UK ebay (before putting it on our web site.)

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... &rd=1&rd=1

Apparently it is a nice car underneath as well.



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